How to clean a shower head?

After a long time use, there will be some mineral deposits in the holes of the shower head. Especially when you live in a hard water area. These minerals will clog your shower head and prevent water from flowing to its full potential.  There are a few different ways to clean your shower head, but they inseparable from the vinegar, which will free up the minerals and clean your shower head best. The following is a simple method to clean your shower head with white vinegar.

 take off the shower head

1.Disconnect the shower head from the shower. Many shower heads will simply twist off, but yours may be different. Under this situation, please check the instruction manual of your shower if you do not know how to do this.

 Put the shower head in a tub

2.Pour white vinegar in a tub. Find a container or tub large enough to fully submerge your disconnected shower head. Pour enough white vinegar into the tub to completely immerse your shower head.

 add the baking soda

3.Pour some baking soda into the tub. You should pour in about ⅓ of a cup of baking soda for every cup of vinegar that you pour into the tub. The solution should bubble. This step will increase the cleaning efficacy.


 Let the vinegar submerged the shower head

4.Put the shower head in the tub of vinegar.
 Completely immerse your shower head in the tub of vinegar. Make sure that it will stay submerged for at least an hour.

Leave the shower head in the vinegar for 1 hour

5.Wait one hour. Leave your shower head soaking in the vinegar. You can also leave your shower head there overnight, if you want more of a deep clean.

At last ,wash the shower head with clean water and screw on. You now get a nearly brand new shower head.


PS: You can not only use the white vinegar to clean the shower head, but also other aspects of life, like the cloth washing.



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